English 450/550
Literary Theory

Crucial Info for Fall 2019:

Instructor: Dr. Loren R. Schmidt

Telephone: (509) 865-8542 or Ext. 2112 (Work); (509) 307-0104 (Cell); (509) 574-8486 (Home)

E-Mail: schmidt_l@heritage.edu or loren@llschmidt.net

Office: 2112 Simkins Bldg., Heritage University, 3240 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948

Virtual Office Hours on Elluminate: W 600-8 pm PDT/PST, F 130-300 pm PDT/PST, or by appointment

Physical Office Hours (available by phone): F 130-300 pm PDT/PST or TBA or by appointment

Time and Place for Classes (all times PDT/PST):

In-Person/Synchronous Online Students: Petrie Rm. TBA If Scheduled

Originally no sessions scheduled. Sessions may be offered after consulting with the students. Additional office hours will be announced after students check in. These are not mandatory and are generally not recorded. All students welcome to drop in.

Toppenish classroom students may drop into Dr. Schmidt's online sessions anytime they wish and vice-versa.

Asynchronous Online Students

1. The class office hours and any other sessions will be available synchronously via the Internet using Elluminate (Blackboard Collaborate) at the same times listed above.

2. During those sessions, Dr. Schmidt will cover the reading materials, conduct exercises, help with homework, and answer questions. ATTENDANCE IS NOT REQUIRED. MOST SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED FOR LATER PLAYBACK, BUT NOT ALL PARTS OF EVERY SESSION ARE RECORDED. However, there are additional video lectures and previously-recorded sessions available. Students with other obligations on those weekend days and evenings who need additional assistance should contact the instructor to arrange an online conference.

3. Online students who want to speak rather than type should use a headset when attending Elluminate sessions. Open microphones create feedback. Cheap headsets and typed questions both work just fine; webcam not required.

4. Additional office hours will be announced after students check in. These are not mandatory and are generally not recorded. All students welcome to drop in.

Virtual Campus: MyHeritage log-in codes are already AVAILABLE! Check registration letter from Heritage Registrar or contact instructor.

Primary Text:

Ann Dobie, Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism, 4th ed. (Boston: Thomson, 2014).

Supplementary Texts:

Frederick Crews, The Pooh Perplex (Chicago: U Chicago Press, 2003). Any edition fine.
Frederick Crews, The Postmodern Pooh (Chicago: Northwestern U Press, 2006). Any edition fine.

Visit These Pages Now!

Course Description and Objectives

Grading: Elements of Evaluation

Course Policies

Course Schedule

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 2002-2019
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.