Course Policies:
(1) Attendance/Participation: Regular participation through class discussion, e-mail, Forum postings, and other contact with classmates and the instructor is expected; while not directly included in your grade, prolonged lack of contact will affect your grade through missed discussions, missed assignments, etc. Online students MUST check in via Forum posts or other required assignment every week! Per OCICU policy, OCICU students who do not check in during the first week will be dropped. Per HU policy, students who miss more than a week of classes or a weekend class or do not post for more than one week are in danger of being dropped from the course.
Remember that Heritage University Student Affairs is ready to help solve problems that interfere with attending class. Email them at However, if I do not hear from you, the Heritage University Catalog attendance policy states that "a faculty member may recommend an administrative withdrawal [from a course] whenever a student misses two consecutive class sessions and does not contact the instructor." Prior to any such action, I will submit a Faculty Advocacy request asking Student Affairs to contact you. Your success in this class is my primary goal, and I look forward to seeing you at every class session.
Reasonable Accommodation for Religious Holidays
Consistent with Heritage University's mission and values and pursuant
to RCW 28B.137.010 as amended, and Substitute Senate Bill 5166,
HU allows student reasonable absences for reasons of faith or
for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious
denomination, church, or religious organization. The student requesting
an excused absence for reasons of faith must submit the Request
for Absence for Reasons of Faith Form to their instructor(s) at
least two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in
which the absence is anticipated to occur. The form is located
on the Student Forms page under the Students tab in MyHeritage.
Full policy and procedures are located in the current catalog
under Academic Policies, Attendance.
(2) Makeup Work: In-class work may be made up only in the case of an excused absence (illness, family emergency, etc.) or where already arranged (such as Reading/Study Questions to replace in-class discussion in some courses). If you expect to be absent, contact me ahead of time about makeup work; if the absence was unexpected, contact me as soon as you can--do not wait until the next class or you may fall behind.
(3) Late Work: Late papers, etc., may be penalized 10% of the possible points for each day that they are late unless I allow you an extension. I am flexible, but you must contact me to ASK for an extension!!
(4) Cellphones and Other Classroom Behavior: Students who bring cellphones to class should either have their phones OFF or on SILENCE (vibrate, flash, whatever). If a call comes that the student MUST take (for example, a family emergency), then the student should immediately leave the classroom to answer the call. Do NOT carry on a phone conversation in the classroom.
When the classroom is virtual, the approach is the same: in general, you should keep your microphone muted unless you are going to speak. You should "raise your hand" virtually to be recognized unless the class is small. If you need to step away to tend to issues where you are, please do so, but put the "away" sign up when possible.
(5) Plagiarism: Heritage University expects students to perform their own work (even assignments involving collaboration mean that the GROUP performs its own work!). Students should be familiar with the methods to properly research and credit sources; hence, failure to do so may result in consequences ranging from a lower grade on an assignment to failing the course to expulsion from the college. See the Heritage University Catalog for all the exciting details!
Academic Honesty (Excerpt from Heritage University Catalog):
Heritage University students have the responsibility to adhere to academic honesty in all their educational endeavors. Faculty have the responsibility to model academic honesty and to prevent, detect, and confront students who violate it.Academic dishonesty is serious and will carry appropriate sanctions ranging from a written record of the violation being placed in the student's file, to course failure, and even to suspension or dismissal from the university. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and all behavior inconsistent with academic integrity and honesty. See
(6) Credit Hour Requirements: Federal regulations require that all courses follow the Heritage University definition of a credit hour as described in HU Policy. A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than (1) one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester, or (2) at least an equivalent amount of work for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit.
(7) Campus Security & Safety: In an emergency, call 911.
Campus Security Services provides the following services to Heritage University staff, faculty, and students:
Employee training; Student training; Increased lighting and security camera systems; Jumpstarting batteries; Help with vehicle lockouts; Security escorts to vehicle; Tow truck assistance; Secure lost-and-found area. For these services, please call (509) 865-8555 or on campus from any phone, ext. 8555, email, or go to this link:
RAVE Alert: The University uses Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert and notification system capable of delivering messages to University staff, faculty, and student email addresses and cellphones. These messages include campus emergencies, inclement weather, and closures as they pertain to the entire campus community. Register by logging into
Heritage University Campus Security: 509-865-8555 or ext. 8555 from any campus land line
Heritage University Weekend Assistance: 509-314-9310
Regional Sites, please reference the Host Campus Security and Emergency safety plan.
(8) Important InformationAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA Policy):
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA Policy): The current law of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, states that "a disability can be a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of an individual. The ADA law prohibits discrimination and ensures that individuals with disabilities have the same opportunities to participate in the mainstream of American life - to enjoy employment, education, to purchase goods, to participate in State and local government programs and services." As an institution of higher education, Heritage University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
If you believe that you have a disability which may warrant an accommodation, the first step is to contact the Office of Ability Services to schedule an appointment.
Contact Information:
Yovanna Cook, MSW. Mental & Social Health Counselor / ADA
Office: 509-865-8544, Cellphone: 760-208-8825
Fax: 509-865-8693
Violet Lumley Rau Building, Office #1714
For more information about student ability services on campus, please click on the link below:
Updated 1/7/2022
(9) OCICU Appeals Process: OCICU students who wish to appeal an instructor's or facilitator's decision or request assistance with academic issues (such as requesting an incomplete or an extension) should contact Dr. Loren Schmidt ( AND OCICU Liaison SaraBecca Martin (
(10) Additional Resources
(a) Tutorial Support
The Academic Skills Center (ASC) at Heritage University is committed to academic excellence and provides services that are accessible to all students. We strive to provide safe and welcoming spaces, both physical and virtual, where students can access study resources and tools to support their learning. Tutoring, both online and face-to-face, is provided for all major subjects including mathematics, science, writing, history, social science, and critical thinking.The ASC is located in the Kathleen Ross Building. There, students can find a study space to work, study in small groups with tutor support, receive one-on-one tutoring, and use computers. These services are available by drop-in or appointment. In addition to working with HU tutors, the ASC also provides access to an additional service that connects students with professional tutors 24 hours a day/7days per week through a service called Smarthinking.
To view our schedule, make an appointment, drop-in for tutoring with an HU tutor, or to access Smarthinking, visit the ASC page at To learn more about any of these services, call the ASC at (509) 865-8517 or email us
(b) Library
The Donald K. North Library is dedicated to providing students, staff, and faculty with access to scholarly research resources. Students can access more than 100 databases to search articles from scholarly/academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and more. Two study rooms are available for students to reserve, and technology loans, such as laptops and tablets, are also available to check out.The librarians can help you locate, select, evaluate, and cite appropriate sources for your research and assignments. For research and general assistance, feel free to stop by. You may also contact a reference librarian by phone at (509) 865-8520, or email ( Feel free to use the chat widget or, for in-depth questions, use the online consultation service. All these are on the library's website.
The library is open Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Fridays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and is located in the Kathleen Ross, snjm Center. In order to access the online research databases from an off-campus location, you will be prompted to log-in with your MyHeritage account.