Elements of Assessment:

The following assignments will be factored into your course grade. In addition, these will also help assess your progress in mastering the outcomes noted above.

(1) Class Participation and Exercises: The nature of this class demands that all students contribute regularly to the discussions. Both quality and quantity will be considered, with an emphasis on the former. Online students may be asked to attend sessions on Elluminate OR to post in several on-line threaded discussions as part of their participation grade. Altogether, 20 points (15 + 5 for the Check-In Tasks) may be earned for participation and exercises.

(2) Analyses: Students will write four short papers (2-3 pp. each) applying a specific critical approach to a specific text. The first two should select approaches from Dobie, Chaps. 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7, and the last two should select approaches from Dobie, Chaps. 6, 8, 9, 10, or 11. Each of these papers will be worth 20 points (80 points total). The goal should be to model the approach (including vocabulary) without requiring sources outside of Dobie and your primary text. "Be" the critic!! NOTE: Consult the instructor if you would like to "combine" a paper or papers from a concurrent literature course with these assignments. It CAN be done!

(3) Article Review: Students will write a short paper (1.5-2 pp.) summarizing and commenting on a journal article which applies a particular approach to a particular literary text. Possible topics for this paper will be discussed in class and workshop sessions will be scheduled to assist students in writing the review. The review will be worth 20 points.

(4) Presentation: Undergraduate students will present a text to the class as if teaching a secondary or collegiate class unfamiliar with the selected critical approach to literature. Undergrads will begin with the traditional approach from Chap. 2 and then add one of the more advanced approaches. Graduate students will select a text and present the text as seen from two different critical approaches in additional to the traditional approach. The presentation will be worth 20 points.

Verification Activity: This assignment also serves to verify or authenticate the work of online students. Online students will be expected to produce positive ID to the instructor at the time of the online presentation.

(5) Reading and Teaching Literature Journal (Log or Blog): During the course, students will keep an online journal (“blog”) trying out some of the approaches to literature discussed in Dobie, pp. 3-5. Think of yourself as assigning these approaches to your current/future literature students. You may use approaches/entries derived from the in-class or online sessions. Students will be expected to include 7 entries over the course using at least 3 different approaches suggested by Dobie or other sources (14 entries and 5 approaches for graduate students). Keeping the journal will be worth 30 points.

(6) Final Paper (Expanded Analysis): Students will prepare a medium-length paper (4-6 pp.) applying a critical approach of their choice to a specific text. (Recommended: take one of your short analyses and expand it.) This paper will be accompanied by a short statement (either in the introduction to the paper or in a separate one-page note) explaining the reason(s) for selecting this specific approach to this specific text. The final paper and supporting statement will be worth 30 points total. GRADUATE STUDENTS: Papers will include a bibliography of three sources related to your text or theoretical approach, two of which must be cited in the paper. You will find the on-line Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and JSTOR databases available through the Heritage University Library invaluable in completing this assignment.

(7) Figuring Course Grades:

Check-In Tasks and Quiz 5 (4+1)
Participation & Exercises 15
Article Review 20
Analysis #1 20
Analysis #2 20
Analysis #3 20
Analysis #4 20
Presentation 20
Reading & Teaching Lit Journal 30
Final Paper  30

Total Possible: 200 (196+ = A+; 184+ = A; 180+ = A-; 176+ = B+; 164+ = B; 160+ = B-; 156+ = C+; 144+ = C; 140+ = C-; 136+ = D+; 124+ = D; 120+ = D-; 119- = F)

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2022
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.