Course Schedule

NOTE: Schedule May Be Adjusted As Necessary
Dependent on Resources Available at Site

Unit #1:

1. Complete Check-In Tests and Tasks
2. Read The Pooh Perplex.
3. Read Dobie, Chaps. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.
4. Try to match up The Pooh Perplex articles with the critical approaches in Dobie.

Fall Weekend Sessions (if scheduled) OR Recordings of Summer Weekend #1:

Introduction to Course—What Is Literary Theory?: Dobie, Chap. 1. Traditional Approaches (Historical, Biographical, Genre): Dobie, Chap. 2.
Formalism (Russian and New Criticism): Dobie, Chap. 3.
Psychological Criticism (Freud, Jung, Jungian Influences on Lacan and Frye): Dobie, Chap. 4.
Marxist Criticism: Dobie, Chap. 5.
Reader-Response Theories: Dobie, Chap. 7.

Unit #2:

Week 3 (8-Week Plan) or Week 5 (15-Week Plan): Drafts of Analyses #1 and 2 due.

1. Read The Postmodern Pooh.
2. Read Dobie, Chaps. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.
3. Try to match up The Postmodern Pooh articles with the critical approaches in Dobie.
4. Complete half of MyHeritage Teaching Lit/Reading Journal entries.
5. Find Article for Journal Article Review
. Visit HU Library in person or online to look for journal article for Article Review (assistance available from instructor and online reference librarian).

Fall Weekend Sessions (if scheduled) OR Recordings of Summer Weekend #2:

Feminist Criticism and Queer Criticism: Dobie, Chap. 6.
Deconstruction a la Derrida: Dobie, Chap. 8.
Cultural Studies and the New Historicism: Dobie, Chap. 9.
Postcolonial and Multicultural Approaches: Dobie, Chap. 10.
Green Criticism: Dobie, Chap. 11.

Unit #3 (Finishing Up):

Week 5 (8-Week Plan) or Week 8 (15-Week Plan): Analyses 1 and 2 due. Article Review due.

Work on Analyses 3 and 4.

Work on Individual Presentations. Graduate students will choose one text to present as if teaching the text in class, acknowledging and discussing multiple perspectives on it (three approaches). Undergraduate Students will choose one of their Analyses to present as if teaching this aspect of the text in addition to the "Traditional Approaches" to it in class. Arrange Presentation with Dr. Schmidt (may combine presentation with presentation/seminar for another literature course).


Week 6 (8-Week Plan) or Week 12 (15-Week Plan): Analyses 3 and 4 Due.

Week 7 (8-Week Plan) or Week 13/14 (15-Week Plan): Teaching Demonstration

Week 8 (8-Week Plan) or Week 15 (15-Week Plan): Final Paper and All MyHeritage Posts (Complete Reading Journal) Due.

Due Dates for 15-Week Term (Due Dates for 8-Week Terms Added If Students Enroll):

Analysis #1 & #2: 10/11

Article Review: 10/25

Analysis #3 & #4: 11/8

Reading Journal (Teaching Lit Forums): 11/29

Teaching Demonstration: 12/1

Final (Extended) Paper: 12/3

Due Dates for 8-Week Term:

Analysis #1 & #2: FA2 11/10

Article Review: FA2 11/11

Analysis #3 & #4: FA2 12/1

Reading Journal (Teaching Lit Forums): FA2 12/1

Teaching Demonstration: FA2 12/5

Final (Extended) Paper: FA2 12/8

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2019
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.