Crucial Info for Spring 2022:
Course Facilitator (your primary instructor and grader): Prof. Ramon Guel
Supervisor: Dr. Loren R. Schmidt
Prof. Guel Telephone: (503) 779-7346
Dr. Schmidt Telephone: (509) 865-8542 or Ext. 2112 (Work); (509) 574-8486 (Home); (509) 307-0104 (Cell)
Prof. Guel Email:
Dr. Schmidt Email: or
Dr. Schmidt's Office: 2112 Simkins, Heritage University, 3240 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948
Prof. Guel's Virtual Office Hours on Zoom TBA
Dr. Schmidt's Virtual Office Hours on Zoom T 630-8 pm PDT, F 130-3 pm PDT/PST, or by appointment
Schmidt Physical Office Hours (available by phone): F 130-3 pm PDT/PST or by appointment. Also on campus most TWThF afternoons when not in meetings or class.
Time and Place:
Spring 2022, Only Asynchronous Option Available.
Weekly online office hours with Prof. Guel and Dr. Schmidt for those who have questions.
1. Class for online students will meet via Internet on Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage). Students will also have the opportunity to make their Seminar Leader presentation LIVE online. See "Schedule" and "Evaluation" pages or watch your weekly emails for more information.
2. Class will have weekly office hours available via Zoom on TBA. Dr. Schmidt or Prof. Guel will discuss the reading materials and answer questions. SOME SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED FOR LATER PLAYBACK, BUT NOT ALL.
3. Online students may use a headset or built-in microphone or phone when attending Zoom sessions IF they desire to speak instead of typing questions. Cheap headsets work just fine; webcam not required.
Texts (All Available in CHEAP Editions from Amazon!! The one-volume LOTR costs about $11 and you can get a boxed set including The Tolkien Reader AND The Silmarillion plus two OTHER books for $20!):
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Annotated Hobbit. Ed. May substitute any version of The Hobbit if you already have one. UG STUDENTS TAKING THE COURSE FOR ONLY TWO CREDITS NEED OBTAIN ONLY THE HOBBIT AND LOTR.
-----. The Lord of the Rings. May substitute any version of LOTR if you already have one. UG STUDENTS TAKING THE COURSE FOR ONLY ONE CREDIT NEED OBTAIN ONLY LOTR!
-----. The Silmarillion. May substitute any version of The Silmarillion if you already have one.
-----. The Tolkien Reader. May substitute any text containing the essay "On Fairy Stories."
Visit These Pages Now!
Course Description and Objectives
Making the Grade: Elements of Evaluation
Tolkien Forums (Informational--Actual Forums on MyHeritage)