Course Schedule
(subject to change as needed):


15-Week Schedule:

Week(s) 1-2:

Check-In Task and Introductions on MyHeritage.

Prior to Week 1: Begin Readings. Read as much of The Hobbit and LOTR as possible.

Topics: Introduction to Course. Genre Criticism. Biographical/Historical Approaches to Tolkien.

Weeks 3-7:

If possible, view "The Hobbit, Parts I-III."

View "The Fellowship of the Ring," "The Two Towers," and "The Return of the King."

Topics: Three "Heroes" in Tolkien (Structuralist/Formalist Approaches). Feminist Approaches. Psychological Approaches.

Complete Paper #1 (Genre). DUE END OF WEEK 7 (3/6).

Weeks 8-9:

Continue Readings.

All Students Begin Forum Posts on MyHeritage.

Weeks 10-14:

Finish LOTR and other readings as needed

"On Fairy Stories" and "Ainulindale," "Valaquenta," "Of Beren and Luthien," "Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath," and "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age" in The Silmarillion.

Discuss Drafts and/or Research for Paper #2.

Work on Reading Responses, Paper #2, and Teaching Demonstrations.

Week 15:


Before 5/5: 3-Credit Students Schedule Teaching Demonstrations as Needed.

5/6: All Reading Response/Forum Posts on MyHeritage Assignments Due.

5/8: Paper #2 Due for All 2 or 3-Credit Students.

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 2011-22
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.