Crucial Info for Spring 2019:
Instructors: Prof. Amber Gutweiler and Dr. Loren R. Schmidt
Telephone: Prof. Gutweiler (509) 429-1922; Dr. Schmidt (509) 865-8542 or Ext. 2112 (Work); (509) 307-0104 (Cell); (509) 574-8486 (Home)
E-Mail for Prof. Gutweiler:
E-Mail for Prof. Schmidt: or (backup)
Prof. Schmidt's Office: Simkins 2112, Heritage University, 3240 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948
Prof. Schmidt's Virtual Office Hours on Elluminate: W 6-8 pm PDT/PST or by appointment
Prof. Schmidt's Physical Office Hours (available by phone) TBA/By appointment.
Time and Place for Classes (all times PDT/PST) in Petrie 1111 or Online:
Toppenish Section (Eng 319.0)
Toppenish Undergraduate: Eng 319.0 will meet TBA.
Toppenish classroom students may drop into Prof. Gutweiler's or Dr. Schmidt's online sessions anytime they wish and vice-versa.
Online Students from Eng 319.0
1. Class will meet via Internet TBA on Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage) using Elluminate (Blackboard Collaborate).
2. During those sessions, Dr. Schmidt or Prof. Gutweiler will cover the reading materials, go over exercises and homework, and answer questions. ATTENDANCE IS NOT REQUIRED. MOST SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED FOR LATER PLAYBACK, BUT NOT ALL PARTS OF EVERY SESSION ARE RECORDED. However, there are additional video lectures and previously-recorded sessions available. Students with other obligations on Thursdays evenings who need additional assistance should contact the instructor to arrange an online conference.
3. Online students who want to speak rather than type MUST use a headset when attending Elluminate sessions. Open microphones create feedback. Cheap headsets and typed questions both work just fine; webcam not required.
Virtual Campus: MyHeritage log-in codes are already AVAILABLE! Check registration letter from Heritage Registrar or contact instructor.
Pam Altman, et al. Sentence Combining Workbook. 4th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2014.
You may also find your English 337/537 textbook (Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams, An Introduction to Language, 11th ed.) helpful in coping with related topics. However, that text is not required for students taking English 319 as a stand-alone course.
Video lectures may be available in MyHeritage Online Media.
Visit These Pages Now!
Course Description and Objectives
Grading: Elements of Evaluation for English 319