Crucial Info for Spring 2009:
Instructor: Dr. Loren R. Schmidt
Telephone: 865-8542 or Ext. 2340 (Work); 574-8486 (Home)
E-Mail: or
Office: 2340 Arts & Sciences Bldg.
Office Hours: TTh 10:30-11:30, 3:30-5:00, W 1:30-3:30, or by appointment
Time and Place:: Online at Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage)
MYHERITAGE CODES AVAILABLE!! Contact ASC or Teresa Pina (Arts & Sciences Administrative Assistant) ASAP!
Dancing with a Ghost: Exploring Indian Reality by Rupert Ross
Circle of Life: Traditional Teachings of Native American Elders by James Audlin.
The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions by Paula Gunn AllenLinks to these posted on MyHeritage!
Visit These Pages Now!
Grading: Elements of Evaluation