Philosophy 310W:

Philosophy and Culture

Crucial Info for Spring 2023:

Instructor: Dr. Loren R. Schmidt

Telephone: (509) 865-8542 or Ext. 2112 (Work); (509) 307-0104 (Cell); (509) 574-8486 (Home)

E-Mail: or (backup)

Office: 2112 Simkins, Heritage University, 3240 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948

Prof. Schmidt's Virtual Office Hours on Zoom: Tentatively W 630-8 pm PDT/PST and F 130-3 pm PDT/PST or by appointment.

Prof. Schmidt's Physical Office Hours (available by phone or in person): F 130-3 pm PDT/PST or by appointment. Also on campus most TThF afternoons when not in meetings or class (if campus is open).

Time and Place:

1. Class meets live in person or online via Zoom TR 230-345 pm PDT/PST. Students may attend either way OR may watch recorded sessions on their own schedule.

2. Class Forums for all groups on Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage).


Contact Heritage University Registrar, IT Help on MyHeritage, Instructor, or our Administrative Assistants ASAP if you have problems!


Rene Descartes, Meditations and Discourse on Method
Jean-Paul Sartre, The Words
Ursula K. LeGuin, The Dispossessed

Video lectures in MyHeritage Online Media

Other Required Readings (available for download on MyHeritage:

Richard Taylor and George Berkeley on “Reality”
Excerpts from Rupert Ross, Dancing with a Ghost: Exploring Indian Reality
Excerpts from Stace, Ethical Absolutism

Check for these in the appropriate MyHeritage units online. If you have trouble downloading them, contact instructor to receive via email!!


Students will benefit from having their own laptops and reliable Internet access. We will use several "tools" in MyHeritage to communicate ideas (forums and exercises) and to upload assignments.

1. This is a hyflex course. That means that we will have live classes that students may attend synchronously in person or on Zoom. In addition, the class will be available asynchronously via the Internet using recorded Zoom sessions linked on MyHeritage. Students may move freely between these options.

2. During those sessions, Dr. Schmidt will cover the reading materials, conduct exercises, help with homework, and answer questions. ATTENDANCE IS NOT REQUIRED. MOST SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED FOR LATER PLAYBACK, BUT NOT ALL PARTS OF EVERY SESSION ARE RECORDED. However, additional video lectures and previously-recorded sessions are available. Students with other obligations on those weekend days and evenings who need additional assistance should contact the instructor to arrange an online conference.

3. Online students who want to speak rather than type will need a microphone (built in or headset) when attending Zoom sessions. Cheap headsets and typed questions both work just fine; webcam not required in all sessions.

4. Additional office hours may be announced after students check in. These are not mandatory and are generally not recorded. All students welcome to drop in.

Visit These Pages Now!

Course Description

Grading: Elements of Evaluation

Course Policies

Course Schedule

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2023
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.