Crucial Info for Spring 2023:
Instructor: Dr. Loren R. Schmidt
Telephone: (509) 865-8542 or Ext. 2112 (Work); (509) 307-0104 (Cell); (509) 574-8486 (Home)
E-Mail: or (backup)
Office: 2112 Simkins, Heritage University, 3240 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948
Prof. Schmidt's Virtual Office Hours on Zoom: Tentatively W 630-8 pm PDT/PST and F 130-3 pm PDT/PST or by appointment.
Prof. Schmidt's Physical Office Hours (available by phone or in person): F 130-3 pm PDT/PST or by appointment. Also on campus most TThF afternoons when not in meetings or class (if campus is open).
Time and Place: Via Internet Class Forums on Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage)
Course Description and Objectives
ENG 497 Senior Thesis (3 credits)
A capstone course allowing a student to complete an independent research project, scholarly investigation, or creative work which demonstrates mastery of methodology appropriate to the students field of study. This project will be presented at the end of the course. As part of the course, the student will also prepare a portfolio representing the students achievements and progress within the discipline (for example, academic papers, journalistic publications, literary works, videos of teaching, presentations, or performances, and so on) and complete a self-reflection on those. Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
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