To live in ignorance is not to live in
It is to live in blindness and insincerity.
So live with love and live with kindness,
don't waste this time.
Use your own modes of expression
to fight the chains and bonds of oppression
Use your words to promote sustainability,
not cruelty, hatred, or hostility.
Don't become frozen in the amber of time,
Trapped in the tangles of your restless mind,
Alone in a forest with none to hear your cries.
And please,
Don't listen to the countless lies of those who tell you to
Just follow the crowd,
To just stay silent,
Keep your head down.
To not even care.
To make you feel like you're worthless
and have lost your purpose,
left gasping for air.
And so focused, too focused,
on other people's stares.
When we look towards others with compassion
and not worry about what's in style or the next fashion,
Not be lazy and wait for the words of the song
to be placed before us all wrong. |
When we write our own movement
and lead others towards improvement
is the True testament of our conviction -
Our wisdom.
And when we speak up with the voices
we've been given
Not holding grudges, but seeking from others to be forgiven
And we put forth effort to lighten the path
that lies before us and before others alike
It will be a day of greatness,
And all that suffering will have been worth it.
When we open our hearts
to bring peace and understanding to all and
Are not fearful of what might befall
if we do somehow evoke change
And are motivated to create a revolution,
Or at least work together to find the right solution
that could put an end to this endless suffering and pain.
But first, we must stop pointing fingers
and spreading bitter blame
And instead work towards comforting
and serving others
And living life together
and with and for each other
For a purpose.
Because only then can we flourish. |
So stand up—Stand up once and for
Don't wait for another time,
Don't wait to receive the call
Just stand up. Stand up and live out your life
Embracing your own unique authenticity
Not worrying about what others will think,
or how it will affect your publicity.
So I say it again,
To live in ignorance is not to live in simplicity—
it is to live in blindness and insincerity
Now is the time, and we do have the power.
We have the power to create change
and bring forth life anew.
Believe me, we all do.
And it doesn't mean we always need to shout
because at least getting our voices out there
is what it's all about.
And it is only then that we can look inward and out
and know of the true transformation
That can happen if we just take the chance . . .
Try it out. |