Perla Bolanos
Do you hear me? I'm covered in gray fog in a gloomy day.
Do you see me? As I walked down the street, I saw a different
With a light gray background, why am I standing here?
Even if I shout, no one hears.
A flood of loneliness, it's hard to open my eyes below the rain.
She's in the rain and the world will never know the feelings
she just drained.
Hoy, es hora de revivir
el pasado.
Resulta que lo que estuvo a mi alcance,
Fue solo un recuerdo de voluntad de un perdido romance.
Recordando una perdida,
Que envida no he podido llenar.
Un mapa de un viaje,
lleno de remordimientos que he tenido que aprender a amar.
Cicatrices llenas de mi pasado donde están tus cicatrices
que jamás olvidare.
Hoy y siempre, hasta que nos podamos reencontrar.
I had no idea how greedy
my heart really was.
Till I realized how I wanted to be you just because
I wanted to know your greatest weakness,
to feed my bleakness.
I find you my most treasured possession.
Which for you, might seem only like a new obsession.
I am holding a knife at my throat for loving you,
but I am more afraid of you for loving me. |