Ours was a love
of the "could have been kind"
One that was lost
Since nothing materialized.
Not one from afar, but closer than can be seen:
Awake in our minds and alive in Our dreams.
I blame
myself and I blame You as well,
But I guess it's my own fault that I went and fell
so in Love with a mirage,
a still image,
a "could have been."
Yet I've come to know You mean so much more
to me than I could have possibly imagined.
Never pursued, only imagined.
So far from a mirage,
I now see You as the true oasis you are
That none have cared to see,
For none have clearly seen You,
Or seen the You who You could be.
But in failing to act,
Out of fear, self-doubt, and stupidity,
Now I am left with only Regret
as the mere occupant
of my mind,
for Our "could have been"
would have been
the most pure Love one could find.
One that would have filled all of this emptiness inside,
Making Us both feel whole and complete, in time.
So, while I could let You go,
Move on and be done,
I've chosen to hold out for You until we have won.
Until then, I'll be here at the start of the line,
Not a Love lost, but one just waiting for the right time.
in truth, though I may still tell Myself:
maybe it's pointless,
that this Love might just as very well be
For Me, Ours is a Love of the
"could be kind,"
for Ours is the Love
I still hope to find. |