Part I:
(1) If you are not already familiar with the MS-Word® Spelling and Grammar Checker and are using an older version, you find it under Tools on the bar at the top. To set what the engine will check, you should pull down that menu and click Options and then go to the Spelling and Grammar tab. You can turn on the engine to check everything or nothing, depending on your needs. For this exercise, you should turn on both the Spelling and Grammar checkers and have them work while you write.
If you are using Office 365, you should click on "File" on the ribbon or bar. In the left menu, go to the bottom and click "Options" and then "Proofing." Make any necessary or desired changes in the settings, including turning on "Show readability statistics" at the bottom if you want to know the word count, % of passive sentences, reading level, and so on.
(2) Next, read the following passage:
Berkeley regard Sprits and Souls as real. He believes their important the physical world is not real or important. He believes in out of body experiences. God willed the things to be hear. Because he believes in God. He believes in sprits and souls. God maintains the world. The other guy, Taylor regard matter as real. Things that you can touch and feel. As a scientist he deals with chemistry and physics. They need to find proof, hard evidence. For me I have grown up believing in God. Although I have never seen him, I believe I have to be a good Christian so that some day I'll be able to meet him.
(3) Now cut and paste it into your open document. Note what shows upand what does NOT.
(4) For fun, turn on the Style checker tooon the Spelling and Grammar taband see its opinion.
Part II: Tracking Changes
(1) Return to the Tools menu. Click on Options and then the tab Track Changes. This editing tool lets one person (the editor) suggest changes to another persons document without finalizing them.
If you are using Office 365, you should select "Review" in the ribbon or bar at the top. You can now follow the directions that follow, including selecting "Track Changes" in order to mark edited passages.
(2) Depending on your version of MS-Word®, you may see various options for indicating additions, deletions, and format changes. Choose some options that work for you (and show up on the page!)
(3) Now go back to the lovely text above and click on Track Changes (the one on the Tools menu, not the tab you just set). Edit this text, save it, and then post it in the appropriate forum.