If you are using InDesign, you should follow the instructions in the video walk-through in "Online Media."
Part I:
(1) Open PageMaker.
(2) Select New from the File Menu.
(3) Set up the page (Letter, Tall, .75 inch margins, 600 dpi printer).
Part II:
(1) Go to the online Pahtos Shadow. (You may want to print out this page first so that you do not need to jump back and forth between the two sites, but either way works.)
(2) Find a page with SEPARABLE text and pictures (some of the pages have pictures and text that cannot be separated).
(3) Right click with your mouse on the picture. A menu should appear. Select Save Image from the menu and save the picture to your disk or to your folder on the U drive.
(4) Return to PageMaker and Select Place from the File menu. Place the graphic you just saved onto your page.
Part III:
(1) Return to the page in the on-line Pahto.
(2) Hold down the left mouse button and highlight the text on the page. Then pull down the Edit menu on your browser and select Copy. This should capture the highlighted text.
(3) Return to PageMaker. Select the Text Tool (T) and click where you want the text on your page. Then pull down the Edit menu and select Paste. This should paste the text you copied from the Internet site onto your page.
Part IV:
(1) Resize and realign the graphic and text until they look good to you (we will learn more about this later in the semester; now I am just checking to see that you know HOW to resize and realign).
(2) Use the left mouse button to highlight the text. Pull down the font menu on the Control Palette (if the Control Palette is not visible, pull down the Window menu and selcct Show Control Palette). Experiment with different fonts for the text. When you find one that you like (different from the one it came in!), select Save from the File menu and save your file TO YOUR FOLDER OR DISK!
Part V:
(1) Run an Internet Search for graphics. Simplest way to start: click the Search button on your browser or go to www.google.com. Then choose keywords such as free, graphics, and, if you want a more detailed search, a type such as Celtic or Indian. Find two (2) graphics that you consider appropriate for the hypothetical magazine that you created earlier this semester and explain which poems/articles/stories they would illustrate and why.
(2) Use the site commands or the right mouse button to save the file(s) to your disk or folder on the U drive.
Part VI:
Post the file you just created and the graphics you just located to MyHeritage InDesign/PageMaker forum. Include your files in the message by adding them as attachments. I will post the graphics on this site so that you may peruse and comment.
Part VII:
Relax and rejoice in a job well done.