Elements of Evaluation:
The following assignments will be factored into your course grade:
(1) Reading Responses: The nature of this class demands that all students contribute regularly to the discussions whether in person, in synchronous discssions, or through the Jenzabar Forums. Both quality and quantity will be considered, with an emphasis on the former. Altogether, 50 points may be earned for participation through reading responses.
On-Line Students: Students taking part or all of the course entirely via the Net will complete every Reading Response posted in the Jenzabar Forums for the sections taken via the Net,
(2) Three Take-Home Examinations. Each Take-Home will cover one-third of the topics for the course and require students to write on several different ethical issues. Each of these Take-Home Examinations will be worth 30 points (90 points total).
(3) Issue-in-Depth Paper: Students will write one paper of 1500-2000 words (4-6 typed/wordprocessed, double-spaced pages) concerning an issue in applied ethics approved by the instructor and supplemented by outside sources. The Issue-in-Depth Paper will be worth 60 points.
Figuring Course Grades:
Reading Responses 50
Take-Home #1 30
Take-Home #2 30
Take-Home #3 30
Issue-in-Depth Paper 60
Total Possible: 200 (180+ =A; 160-179=B; 140-159=C; 120-139=D; 119-0=F)