English 339/539
Modern Science Fiction

Crucial Info for Summer 2020:

Supervising Instructor: Dr. Loren R. Schmidt

Facilitator (Your Primary Instructor): Prof. Brian McShane

Prof. McShane's Telephone: (609) 709-8949

Dr. Schmidt's Telephone: (509) 865-8542 or Ext. 2112 (Work); (509) 307-0104 (Cell); (509) 574-8486 (Home)

Prof. McShane's E-mail: McShane_B@heritage.edu

Dr. Schmidt's E-Mail: schmidt_l@heritage.edu or loren@llschmidt.net

Dr. Schmidt's Office: 2112 Simkins, Heritage University, 3240 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948 WA 98948

Schmidt Virtual Office Hours on Elluminate: T 630-8 pm PDT/PST, F 2-330 pm PDT/PST, or by appointment

Schmidt Physical Office Hours (available by phone): F 2-330 pm PDT/PST or by appointment

McShane Virtual Office Hours on Elluminate: TBA or by appointment

Time and Place:

Summer 2020, Only Self-Paced Option Available.

Weekly online office hours with Prof. McShane and Dr. Schmidt for those who have questions.

Course Materials and Class Forums on Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage).


Contact your local administrative assistant if you need a code! OCICU students should have received their codes (login name and password) in their welcome letters.

Texts (any editions are fine):

Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol. 1 (Short stories), ed. Robert Silverberg

Dune, Frank Herbert

The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin

Kindred, Octavia Butler

Neuromancer, William Gibson

Watchmen, Alan Moore

The City and the City, China Miéville

The Martian, Andy Weir

Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel

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Course Description and Objectives

Grading: Elements of Evaluation

Course Policies

Course Schedule

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2020
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.