Elements of Evaluation:

If enrolled for 1 undergraduate or graduate credit, the following assignments will be factored into your course grade:

(1) Attendance/Reading Responses: The nature of this class demands that all students demonstrate their understanding of the readings through regular contributions to the class discussions, Both quality and quantity will be considered, with an emphasis on the former. Altogether, 29 points may be earned for participation through reading responses + 1 points for the Check-In Task on MyHeritage (30 points total).

(2) Forums: In addition, ALL students will post at least one original comment to EVERY threaded discussion on the Heritage University Virtual Campus (AKA MyHeritage). These assignments will be worth 20 points total.

(3) Papers: Students will write a short paper of 2 to 3 pages. The paper will be worth 50 points total. The papers will be EITHER a Critical Analysis of a contemporary (at least within the last 100 years) work of literature, film, drama, art, etc. making use of some of the terminology, techniques, and approaches of Continental Philosophy OR a Personal Writing connecting one's OWN work as a writer, artist, performer, or scholar to the terminology, techniques, and approaches of Continental Philosophy.

Figuring Course Grades:

Check-In Task 1
Attendance/Participation/Reading Responses 29
Forum (Threaded Discussions) 20
Personal Writing OR Critical Analysis 50

Total Possible: 100 (98+ = A+; 92+ = A; 90+ = A-; 88+ = B+; 82+ = B; 80+ = B-; 78+ = C+; 72+ = C; 70+ = C-; 68+ = D+; 62+ = D; 60+ = D-; 59- = F)

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2010
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.