Elements of Assessment:

The following assignments will be required, but only the Final Draft of Thesis will factored into your course grade. The others will help assess your progress in mastering the outcomes noted above.

(1) Chapter Reflections: Read the chapters and watch the videos at places such as http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/story-of-english/ (other links on MyHeritage). Note: You may need to search around to find Chap. 9, "The New Englishes," which seems to be missing at many sites. Then post a reflection on the chapter in the Forums on MyHeritage (several paragraphs would be appropriate). If there are other students, you will also post some responses to their posts.This will be worth 50% of your grade. Posts hy 7/6, responses by 7/9.

(2) Project: Work with Dr. Schmidt to design an individual project. This will be worth 50% of your grade. Due 7/16. You might consider ideas such as these:

A. Literature paper that ties a work of literature to some ideas from the historical developments or language variants discussed in the book/videos.

B. Teaching unit aiding students in understanding some topic in literature, history, socioeconomic or political studies, cultural studies, etc., through teaching about some aspect of the history of English.

C. Updated research and analysis related to the last decade, exploring the direction of English today and in the future.

D. Critique of books, films, television shows that accurately or inaccurately reflect the English language as portrayed in your text and videos.

E. Etc.

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2021
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.