The following assignments will be factored into your course grade. In addition, these will also help assess your progress in mastering the outcomes noted above.
(1) Class Attendance & Participation (10 points + 5 for the Check-In Tasks): The nature of this class demands that students attend the class meetings (if any) and contribute regularly to the on-line discussions. For ONLINE STUDENTS, this means one or two WEEKLY responses to other students' Forum posts beyond your own required posts AND/OR regular attendance/participation at online Elluminate sessions (including synchronous sessions). Both quality and quantity will be considered, with an emphasis on the former.
(2) Seminar Leader (20 points): Students will work individually (or in pairs for large classes) to prepare a section from the text for on-line discussion. The seminar leadership will include the following:
pointing out or clarifying important ideas and concepts by way of synthesized outline or PowerPoint posted on MyHeritage and presented via Elluminate OR by presenting those ideas at a class session
preparing a reflective Forum question(s) to be posted on MyHeritage
leading the discussion by responding to online responses to question(s) OR by leading an in-person or virtual class discussion (via Elluminate)
if presenting entirely online, synthesized outline/PowerPoint + question(s) must be emailed to instructor for approval prior to the week that the reading is scheduled.
Verification Activity: This assignment can also serve to verify or authenticate the work of online students. Online students will be expected to produce positive ID to the instructor at the time of the online presentation.
(3) Review of Literature (20 points): Students will write a paper (approximately 2.5-4 pp.) summarizing and commenting on at least three journal articles and/or other scholarly sources in sociolinguistics related to their field research project. Possible topics for this paper will be discussed in the initial class session. The Review of Literature is due TBA (see Schedule page of syllabus), including copies of or links to all articles cited in paper. See sample paper and rubric in Handouts section of MyHeritage. Students writing this paper may share sources but not the actual writing with a research partner. Heritage Undergraduate Students: This paper will be submitted as evidence of student learning for the W portion of the grade.
(4) Field Research Project, Paper & Presentation (25 points): Students will propose and conduct a team or individual field research project in sociolinguistics (survey, observation, and/or experiment). Following approval by the instructor, students will then conduct the field research and write a paper detailing previous research in this area as well as their research method, their results, and the theoretical and practical issues in sociolinguistics connected to their research project. Research proposals are to be posted in the students' on-line journals by TBA (see Schedule page of syllabus). Students will present their research findings during the final class meeting on TBA (see Schedule page of syllabus), and turn in a paper by TBA (see Schedule page of syllabus). The paper will follow the standard Background - Hypothesis - Methodology - Results - Conclusions model for field research. Undergraduate students must cite at least one outside source; graduate students must cite three outside sources. Research teams may submit one PARTIALLY collaboratively-written paper (individual conclusions section). See sample paper, sample timeline, and rubric "Handouts" section of MyHeritage.
Verification Activity: This assignment can also serve to verify or authenticate the work of online students. Online students will be expected to produce positive ID to the instructor at the time of the online presentation.
(5) Online Forum Responses (20 points): During the course, students will respond to online forums. Two will concern your Field Research Project, the first of which proposes your topic and the second of which outlines your intended methodology. In addition, students will respond to Forum questions covering the text materials presented by Dr. Schmidt and your fellow students, as well as posing a question(s) for classmates to answer based on the seminar material they synthesize (see Seminar Leader above). All journal entries and responses to forums due by TBA (see Schedule page of syllabus). (See additional due dates for full points on specific Forum posts.)
(6) Figuring Course Grades:
Check-In Tasks | 5 |
Participation/Attendance | 10 |
Seminar Leader | 20 |
Review of Literature | 20 |
Field Research Project | 25 |
Reflective Forums | 20 |
Total Possible: 200 (98+ = A+; 92+ = A; 90+ = A-; 88+ = B+; 82+ = B; 80+ = B-; 78+ = C+; 72+ = C; 70+ = C-; 68+ = D+; 62+ = D; 60+ = D-; 59- = F)