Suggested Schedule (4th ed.)

(Follow this schedule to keep pace for course completion; feel free to go faster.)

Month #1 of Semester or Weeks 0-2.5 of Summer or other 8-Week Session)

We will divide the material into three units. In each unit, you will be responsible to make substantive Forum posts about three of the readings (in some cases, we will specify which ones and frame your response. In addition, you will write a paper on a text or texts in each of the three units. Finally, you will be responsible for selecting a text in Unit II or Unit III to teach to your fellow students, either in the classroom or online.

Unit I

Readings: Volume A
Intro to Egypt, 3++, 52++
Akhenaten, 25++
Egyptian Love Poems, 70++
The Epic of Gilgamesh, 89++
The Hebrew Bible, 145++
If you have never read any Homer (The Iliad or The Odyssey), you might want to look those over in the future.
Aesop, 603++
Sappho, 613++
Greek (Athenian) Drama, 624++
Sophocles, 681-6, Antigone, 725++
Intro to India, 1113++
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 1122++
Intro to China, 1305++
Book of Songs and K'ung Fu Tse 1314++, 1326++

Follow-up Assignments:

Forum/Discussion Followup for Online Students

Spring 15-Week Semester: 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Paper #1

Spring 15-Week Semester: 2/20

Month #2 of Semester or Weeks 2.5-5 of Summer Session)

Unit II

Prepare Presentation. Notify Prof. McShane or Dr. Schmidt via Forum post of the text you will present/teach. If you are an online student, you must post your presentation during Week 3-4 for a "Unit II" reading or during Week 5-6 for a "Unit III" reading.

Readings: Volume B
Europe and Islam, 3++
The New Testament, 18++
The Quran, 73++
The Song of Roland, 220++
Rumi, 381++
If you have never read any Dante (especially The Divine Comedy), you might want to look that over in the future.
The Thousand and One Nights, 597++
India's Classical Age, 947++
Visnusarman, 956++
Classical Tamil Lyric, 969++
Medieval Chinese Literature, 1083++
Hanshan, 1104++
Tang Poetry, 1109++
Li Bo, 1116++
Li Qingzhao, Records on Metal and Stone, 1150++

Follow-up Assignments:

Forum/Discussion Followup for Online Students

Spring 15-Week Semester: 2/27, 3/6, 3/13

Paper #2

Spring 15-Week Semester: 3/20

Month #3 of Semester or Weeks 5-7.5 of Summer Session)

Unit III

Readings: Volume C
Encounters with Islam, 3++
The Sunjata, 12++
Çelebi, 68++
Indian Poetry, 77++ (through Tukaram)
Europe and the New World, 109++
Petrarch, 151-8++
Shakespeare, 164++, 651++
Cervantes, 357++
Popol Vuh, 515++
The Encounter of Europe and the New World, 531++
The Huarochiri Manuscript, 534++

Follow-up Assignments and Final Due Dates:

Forum/Discussion Followup for Online Students

Spring 15-Week Semester: 3/27, 4/3, 4/10

Paper #3

Spring 15-Week Semester: 4/17

Final Opportunity for Online or In-Person Presentation of Seminar Leader Assignment

Spring 15-Week Semester: 4/29
Seminar Leader Forums: 5/6


© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2022
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.