Elements of Evaluation:

The following assignments will be factored into your course grade:

(1) Class Participation/Exercises/Reading Responses: The nature of this class demands that all students keep up with the exercises and readings, including any Jenzabar Forum questions posted at the Heritage University Virtual Campus (or other forum as provided by the instructor), assigned exercises, and/or short in-class written responses. Altogether, 50 points may be earned for participation, exercises, and other reading responses.

(2) Technical Exercises: Students will either complete a series of take-home technical exercises on the techiques of logic studied in the course (50 points total) OR complete two (2) LSAT/GRE practice tests (25 points each; 50 points total).

(3) Out-of-Class Papers: Students will write two short papers of 600-1000 words (2-3 typed/wordprocessed, double-spaced pages) analyzing the arguments presented on BOTH sides of three of the U.S. Supreme Court opinions covered in class. Topics for these papers will be discussed in class and workshop sessions will be scheduled to assist students in writing them. These papers will be worth 25 points each (50 points total).

(4) Final Out-of-Class Paper: Students will write one longer paper (5+ typed/wordprocessed, double-spaced pages) on one of the topics, researching additional materials about the argument and presenting the student’s own arguments as well. This paper will be worth 50 points.

(5) Figuring Course Grades:

 Participation/Reading Responses 50
 Technical Exercises OR Practice LSAT 50
 Paper #1 25
 Paper #2 25
 Final Paper 50

Total Possible: 200 (180+ = A; 160-179 = B; 140-159 = C; 120-139 = D; 119- = F)

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2006
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.