Elements of Evaluation:
The following assignments will be factored into your course grade:
(1) Class Participation/Reading Response: The nature of this class demands that all students contribute regularly to the discussions, including the Forum questions posted at the Heritage University Virtual Campus for each set of readings, which are the primary mode of participation for on-line students. Both quality and quantity will be considered, with an emphasis on the former. Altogether, 35 points (30 + 5 for the Check-In Test and Tasks) may be earned for participation.
(2) Presentation: Each student will locate and select a SHORT text NOT on the reading list (for example, another poem, tale, song, or short story) and will be responsible for providing an introduction to the works context (background to author, times, etc.) and an outline course plan for teaching that text. Finally, the student must present the text to the instructor and other students (if available) either in person OR electronically through video or the Elluminate program. If the class is able to meet virtually or in person, the student will also be responsible for helping to direct the class in examining the work. This assignment will be worth 15 points.
Verification Activity: This assignment also serves to verify or authenticate the work of online students. Online students will be expected to produce positive ID to the instructor at the time of the online presentation.
(3) Out-of-Class Papers: Students will write one short paper of 750-1000 words (2-4 typed/wordprocessed, double-spaced pages) and one of 1000-1250 words (4-6 pages) concerning the readings. Topics for these papers will be discussed in class, and workshop sessions will be scheduled (by uploading papers to MyHeritage for other students to review) to assist students in writing them. The first of these papers will be worth 20 points and the other 40 (60 points total). In addition, students will prepare an Annotated Bibliography of sources used in writing the papers as well as preparing their presentations. This will be worth 15 points.
(4) Short Answer/Essay Exams: Students will write three take-home examinations. These exams will be worth 25 points each (75 points total).
(5) Figuring Course Grades:
Check-In Quiz and Tasks | 1 + 4 = 5 |
Participation/Reading Responses | 30 |
Presentation | 15 |
Annotated Bibliography of Sources | 15 |
Paper #1 | 20 |
Paper #2 | 40 |
Exam #1 | 25 |
Exam #2 | 25 |
Exam #3 | 25 |
Total Possible: 200 (196+ = A+; 184+ = A; 180+ = A-; 176+ = B+; 164+ = B; 160+ = B-; 156+ = C+; 144+ = C; 140+ = C-; 136+ = D+; 124+ = D; 120+ = D-; 119- = F)