Course Description and Objectives:
In English 342/542, we will examine a wide range of works produced by Native Americans, beginning with oral texts, both religious and secular. Some of these have been passed down for hundreds if not thousands of years, while others are relatively recent orations and memoirs. These "traditional" works not only reveal a rich tradition with many aspects worthy of study in their own right but also show how they have influenced subsequent developments in American literature as a whole. However, "American Indian literature" has assumed an important role in the contemporary scene and in contemporary genres of poetry and fiction as well, with a veritable renaissance taking place in the past three decades. These recent works also merit study because of their quality along with the important themes and problems which they explore.
As always, this course operates on the premise that literature is worth the trouble of a close examination. Careful study of the literary products of Native American writers will repay you by teaching you not only about the literature itself but also about those cultures and their interactions with the complex web of American culture as a whole.
Given the assumptions stated above, students may expect that they will be called on to read extensively, to discuss those readings in class, and to write regularly concerning the readings and discussions. All of these elements will be factored into the course evaluation system.
In general, the course has these objectives for students to pursue:
(1) Become familiar with the genres, themes, writers, and texts of American Indian (Native American) literature
(2) Examine the cultural premises from which this literature arises
(3) Explore some of the methods for analyzing literature, especially the oral genres
(4) Improve analytic writing and research skills
(5) Practice presentation skills