1. Choose some artifact ("thing")
from your own culture or one with which you're familiar. Past
student choices have included everything from votive candles and
meditation stones to dance costumes and other crafts to pictures,
songs, or tales. Some folks even choose food!
2. Watch the Culture Day #1 video set to see some examples of
how you might use an artifact, photos, stories, or selected art/music/literature
to illustrate a metaphysical or ethical premise.
3. Choose a method to "share" your artifact such as a PowerPoint presentation, an outline with attached graphics and explanations, or a video presentation.
4. In your presentation, you should briefly describe the artifact (or attach a picture, copy, etc.) and explain how it relates to one of the first two themes of the course (Reality or Ethics) and connect it to that particular culture. For example, the votive candle might express a belief in a spiritual reality and suggests that the culture places a high value on spiritual "stuff." Again, look at the sample videos to get ideas on how you might do this.
5. Final Step: Prepare your presentation and then upload it to the Forums, e-mail it, or arrange with Dr. Schmidt to upload it for you. You may also be able to present via Elluminate.