Elements of Assessment:

The following assignments will be factored into your course grade.

(1) Class Attendance, Exercises, & Participation (15 points + 5 for the Check-In Tasks): The nature of this class demands that students attend the class meetings and contribute regularly to the in-person and online discussions.

(2) Forums (20 points): Students will post responses to several Forum questions as they formulate their hypotheses, design their methodology, and carry out their research while participating in the group field research project. This will include conducting and reporting a field observation in preparation for the group field research project.

(3) Interviewing and Generating Transcripts (20 points): Students will schedule interviews, obtain releases, conduct and record interviews, and generate transcripts for later analysis.

(4) Field Research Project Data Analysis (30 points): Students will jointly design and carry out a small-scale qualitative field research project. Students will write up their results using the standard model (Hypothesis - Methodology - Results - Analysis - Conclusions and Recommendations) as a short co-authored paper and present their project.

(5) Group Presentation (10 points): Students as a group will present the results of our group project in an open forum.

(6) Figuring Course Grades:

Check-In Tasks + Check-In "Test" 4 + 1
Attendance, Exercises, and Participation 15
Forums 20
Interviewing and Generating Transcripts 20
Field Research Project Data Analysis 30
Group Presentation 10

Total Possible: 100 (98+ = A+; 92+ = A; 90+ = A-; 88+ = B+; 82+ = B; 80+ = B-; 78+ = C+; 72+ = C; 70+ = C-; 68+ = D+; 62+ = D; 60+ = D-; 59- = F)

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2020
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.