Tentative Schedule
(Subject to Change As Necessary)
Week 1: Introduction to Course. Brief Look at Quantitative, Qualitative, and Qualitative-Quantitative. Adventures in Coin Flipping!
Week 2: Basic Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode. Read "Statistics" section of text.
Week 3: Basic Statistics: T-Tests, Margin of Error, Standard Deviation. Read "Statistics" section of text.
Week 4: Experimental Design I. Reliability and Validity. Types of Research. Uses of Major Types. Begin reading "Research Design" sections of text.
Week 5: Experimental Design II. Continue reading "Research Design" sections of text.
Week 6: Experimental Design III. Finish reading "Research Design" sections of text.
Week 7: Group Research Project. Read Janet Holmes, "Compliments" section of text.
Week 8: Designing Your Quantitative Research Project.
Week 9: Group Research Project. Data Tabulation and Analysis. Post Data by 10/18.
Week 10: Group Research Project: Data Analysis.
Week 11: Group/Student Projects: Data Analysis.
Week I2: Student Projects: Data Analysis.
Week 13: Prepare for Presentations. Present Individual Research Project If Desired.
Week 14: Prepare for Presentations. Present Individual Research Project If Desired.
Week 15: Present Individual Research Project.
Finals Week: Present Group Research Project.
Research Project Paper Due 12/6.