Course Schedule (subject to change as needed):

Week 1: Introduction to Course. What Is Logic? What Is/Is Not an Argument? Chap. 1.

Week 2: Induction and Deduction. Enthymemes (Unstated Propositions). Begin Chap. 2.

Week 3: Analyzing the Form of an Argument. Continue Chap. 2.

Week 4: Technical Exercise #1. Formal Deductive Arguments: Begin Chap. 9.

Week 5: Cont. Chap. 9.

Week 6: Cont. Chap. 9.

Week 7: Finish Chap. 9. Technical Exercise #2.

Week 8: Vagueness and Ambiguity. Explanations and Definitions: Chap. 3

Week 9: Evaluating Information (Credibility): Chap. 4.

Week 10: Persuasion Using Slanters and Other Rhetorical Devices: Chap. 5.

Week 11: Technical Exercise #3. Workshop for for Analysis #1 Drafts. Fallacies and Pseudo-Reasoning: Begin Chap. 6.

Week 12: Analysis #1 Due. More Fallacies and Pseudo-Reasoning: Continue Chap. 6 and Begin Chap. 7.

Week 13: More Fallacies and Pseudo-Reasoning: Finish Chap. 7.

Week 14: More on Inductive Arguments: Chap. 10.

Week 15: Technical Exercise #4. Workshop for Analysis #2. Course Evaluations. Analysis #2 Due.

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2010
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.