Elements of Evaluation:
The following assignments will be factored into your course grade. In addition, these will also help assess your progress in mastering the outcomes noted above.
(1) Class Participation and Exercises: The nature of this class demands that all students contribute regularly to the discussions. Both quality and quantity will be considered, with an emphasis on the former. In addition, students will complete a number of individual and small group exercises in and out of class. Altogether, 20 points may be earned for participation and exercises.
(2) Article Analyses: Students will write two short papers of 500 words (1.5-2 typed/wordprocessed, double-spaced pages) analyzing the arguments in a newspaper editorial or other opinion article related to your real-life or scholastic needs or interests. Each analysis will include an Argument Chart showing at least some of the premises and conclusions and (for #1) an attempt at a Deductive Proof of one stage of that argument OR (for #2) a paragraph identifying any fallacies, slanters, or other pseudoarguments found in the text. The final paragraph of both will evaluate the overall strength and/or valididy of the argument(s) in the text. Possible topics for this paper will be discussed in class and workshop sessions will be scheduled to assist students in writing the review. The analyses will be worth 25 points each.
(3) Technical Exercises: After practicing with out-of-class and group in-class exercises, students will demonstrate mastery of performance skills in critical thinking and formal logic in class. Each of these exercises will be worth 25 points (100 points total).
(4) Logic Journal: During the course, students will keep an online journal (blog) noting everyday occurrences related to the art of argumentation. For example, a student can write about personal experiences (arguments you use, overhear, have used on you, etc.), good and bad arguments observed in the media (including ads), and so on. Students will be expected to include 15 entries over the course. Keeping the journal will be worth up to 30 points.
Figuring Course Grades
Participation 20 Analysis #1 25 Analysis #2 25 TE #1 25 TE #2 25 TE #3 25 TE #4 25 Logic Journal 30 Total Possible Points 200 Total Possible: 200 (196+ = A+; 184+ = A; 180+ = A-; 176+ = B+; 164+ = B; 160+ = B-; 156+ = C+; 144+ = C; 140+ = C-; 136+ = D+; 124+ = D; 120+ = D-; 119- = F)