Course Description and Objectives
English 102: English Composition II (3 s.h.)
Extensive practice in the skills of academic reading, writing, and research across the disciplines: writing summaries, paraphrases, syntheses, and critiques; critically reading academic prose; using library resources effectively; properly documenting papers using MLA/APA parenthetical reference styles as well the documentation techniques appropriate to a student's discipline. Prerequisite: English 101 or equivalent.
Objectives include the following:
1. Practice and improve your drafting process (pre-writing, drafting, editing, publishinng).
2. Become more acquainted with the electronic and physical resources of the HU Library, especially locating sources for academic papers.
3. Explore a variety of academic writing genres, including the Summary-Response, Rhetorical Analysis, Review of Literature, and Researched Argument.
4. Improve incorporation of source materials into your academic writing.
5. Strengthen your ability to analyze complex issues and develop ideas of your own about them.