Course Schedule

(Subject to Change As Necessary)

Week 1: Introduction to Course. Diagnostic Essay. Writing Summary-Response Essays.

Week 2: Writing Summary-Response Essays. Documenting Sources (Summary). Structuring Comparison-Contrast Essays. Prepare for Love Songs Presentation Outline.

Week 3: Prepare for World Lit Comparison-Contrast Paper. Documenting Sources (Paraphrase).

Week 4: Documenting Sources (Quotation). Introducing Sources.

Week 5: Research Methods (Finding Source Materials).

Week 6: Prepare for In-Class Essay #1. In-Class Essay #1.

Week 7: Prepare for World Lit Midterm Paper. Finding and Evaluating Source Materials, cont.

Week 8: Brainstorming for Historical Figure Report and World Lit Term Paper.

Week 9: TBA

Week 10: Prepare for In-Class Essay #2. In-Class Essay #2

Week 11: TBA

Week 12: TBA

Week 13: Prepare for In-Class Essay #3, Historical Figure Report, and World Lit Term Paper.

Week 14: Prepare for In-Class Essay #3, Historical Figure Report, and World Lit Term Paper.

Week 15: In-Class Essay #3. Course Summary. Evaluations.

© Dr. Loren R. Schmidt, 1999-2008
No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission.